Montag, Februar 19, 2007

Split in Half

today, believe it or not, I am gone for half a year. I came here on august 18th and I am still doing fine. Although this is not really my halftime, I have just 4 months and 6 days left, there is something to celebrate. So, if you read this, you are welcomed to send me your congrats and of course, to give me my well earned hug !! So, see you in just 4 months and 6 days and look forward to my hopefully already organized welcome back party in Veldhausen.^^ Love you guys,


Blogger meike said...

Wow.. ein halbes JAhr ist schon um. Das ging aber schnell!!!
Drueck dich
dein Schwesterchen

Februar 22, 2007 12:19 AM  

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